Description: This is a complete set of 31 volumes of the popular manga series "Slam Dunk" by Takehiko Inoue. The series follows the story of a young boy named Sakamoto who becomes a soccer fan after watching a match on TV. He is then transported to a magical world where he is reunited with his favorite player, Ryutaro Tanaka. The two of them embark on a journey to save the world from evil forces and become great friends along the way. The manga is written in English and is part of the Shonen genre. It features an exciting storyline, great characters, and incredible artwork. This set is perfect for any manga collector or fan of the series.
Price: 350 USD
Location: Hauula, Hawaii
End Time: 2024-12-22T22:21:54.000Z
Shipping Cost: 50 USD
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Item Specifics
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Artist/Writer: Takehiko Inoue
Language: English
Tradition: Manga
Series Title: Slam Dunk
Features: Set
Genre: Shonen