Description: All Purpose Plant Food 5 Lb. 10-10-10 Green Growth for Shrubs Trees Grasses SoilAll Purpose Fertilizer provides a balanced 1 to 1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It's formulation helps all plants and grasses experience active and healthy green growth. It is an especially useful fertilizer when an inordinate amount of top growth is not the desired result, such as just prior to the heat of summer or the cold of winter.A uniform 1:1:1 ratio that contains equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassiumContains 10% sulfur, to improve unproductive soils and help plants withstand weather extremesContains 5% iron, to improve plant's overall color and disease resistanceIdeal for use on shrubs, trees, container plants and grasses Dimensionstr:last-child>*:first-child]:sui-rounded-bl-base [&>tr:last-child>*:last-child]:sui-rounded-br-base [&>tr:first-child>*:first-child]:sui-rounded-tl-base [&>tr:first-child>*:last-child]:sui-rounded-tr-base [&>tr:first-child>*]:sui-border-t-1" style="border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-via-position: ; --tw-gradient-to-position: ; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: #3b82f680; --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; --tw-contain-size: ; --tw-contain-layout: ; --tw-contain-paint: ; --tw-contain-style: ; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px;">Package Size (lb.)5Product Depth (in.)2.5 inProduct Height (in.)11 inProduct Width (in.)6.5 inDetailstr:last-child>*:first-child]:sui-rounded-bl-base [&>tr:last-child>*:last-child]:sui-rounded-br-base [&>tr:first-child>*:first-child]:sui-rounded-tl-base [&>tr:first-child>*:last-child]:sui-rounded-tr-base [&>tr:first-child>*]:sui-border-t-1" style="border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-via-position: ; --tw-gradient-to-position: ; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: #3b82f680; --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; --tw-contain-size: ; --tw-contain-layout: ; --tw-contain-paint: ; --tw-contain-style: ; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px;">Active IngredientsAmmonium sulfate, monoammonium phosphate, muriate of potash, iron oxide, calcium sulfate dihydrateCompatible Grass TypeAll PurposeDelivery MethodGranularDry Fertilizer TypeDry Plant FertilizerEmergent TypeNeither Pre nor Post EmergentFeaturesNo Additional FeaturesFertilizer FormulaOtherLongevity (weeks)16N-P-K Ratio10-10-10OrganicSyntheticPlant NameTomato, Woody OrnamentalsPlant TypeFlower
Price: 15.15 USD
Location: Leander, Texas
End Time: 2024-11-20T05:20:39.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Brand: Arizona's Best
Type: Does not apply
Compatible Plant Type: Flower
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States